If you are cold, tea will warm you, If you are too heated, it will cool you,
If you are depressed, it will cheer you, logo If you are excited, it will calm you.
Our family has been farming the Alpfelenhof for seven generations, since 1834, and for the past thirty years we have cultivated herbs, blossoms and spices for a wide array of customers. The Swiss Bio-Knospe certification mark testifies to the high sustainable standard of our work and production methods.Experience and enjoy the precious, smooth virtue of herbs in our unique selection of tea (carton of 20 bags and wooden tea box). Available in specialized trades, village and farm sales, plus in all major Coop establishments labelled as delicacies.

Daniela & Lukas Studer
Alpfelenhof 3
CH – 4536 Attiswil
Tel. 032 637 00 57 Fax: 032 637 00 34
info@swisstea.ch www.swisstea.ch
We sell herbs in every processing stage and to the most diverse customers. Do you have a “herb-rich” idea? We certainly have a solution and the right “herb”.